I often hear all about how you, my beautiful clients, do not want to be in the photographs with your children.
"I'm not a model so I don't need lots of photos of myself."
"My arms are too fat."
"Please don't make me look fat."
Well... that all may be true but your children honestly do not care and when they are older they will want photographs of the two of you together. My children love the photos of me and them more than photos of themselves on their own.
I love the song by Freshly Ground:
Even though I have fat thighs, flabby arms, A pot belly still gives good loving.
And I totally understand what you are saying. I have a double chin no matter what I weigh. I really do not like my arms. I actually dislike them so much I wore a long sleeve dress on my wedding day. And we are just not talking about my legs. But look at this photo my husband took...
I like this photo of myself. You can't see my double chin, my arms look just fine and no one has any idea what type of legs I have. I like this photo so much I have it framed in my home.
So because I'm not a model and most moms aren't either I went and did a course on how to pose people so that I can make you look great. So not matter your body shape or size I've got some tricks that will make you love your photos and want to print them. Just small things like how to stand, where to put your hands and how to sit to disguise all the not so good bits.
Every photo below is one that is special. It shows a connection between mom and child, it evokes emotion and it's worth framing. More than that, the moms are just regular moms, not models. Although your body may be as the Freshly Ground song describes nobody knows it in any of these photos and you all look beautiful.
Admittedly this was a photograph to highlight my friend Jenni's nail design in BioSulpture gel but the connection between her and her daughter is priceless.
Me at a very horribly fat weight. But who knows?
This lovely lady (below) was right at the end of her pregnancy and felt a whole lot less serene and elegant than she looks here.
This beautiful mom (below) had just had a baby 10 days earlier. I think she looks gorgeous.
I absolutely love this photo (below).
So before you choose your photographer have a good look at their portfolio and see how they make other moms (and Oumas) look. If you like what you see and you think the moms look great, the photos are full of emotion and there is a connection between the people then book the photographer quickly and know they are worth what their asking price is. You will not be disappointed.

2 thoughtful comments:
I just love your blog.
Thank you. I'm glad that you enjoy it!
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