I have been transformed and what an amazing journey it has been!!
I signed up to be a My Beauty Campaign photographer and part of my accreditation is to experience the transformation myself. And I am so glad I went on this journey. It is worth every cent spent, every moment of anguish, all the hours of soul searching, all the hours of reading and watching videos. I am Beautiful. I feel it, I look it and most of all it makes me feel great!
The journey started with a before photograph of me as I normally dress every day.
Nice but not beautiful.
Part of the programme is a referral to Dressing Your Truth. This is an amazing programme. Instead of getting up each morning and worrying about what to wear and trying to come up with something that makes me look and feel good I can go straight to my cupboard and pick clothes that I know make me look and feel awesome! I know how to style my hair and do my makeup and choose accessories that are true to who I am and reflect my inner beauty. It was the best money I have ever spent on myself. Check it out; you will not be disappointed.
I now know why I do some of the crazy things I do and I know why I think the way I do. My confidence has shot through the roof and because of that I've started to live true to who God created me to be. I'm happier, my children are happier and my husband finds me incredibly sexy!
I'm a Type 1 Bright, Animated Woman! What type are you?
On on to my Beauty Session. I asked a friend, Angelique Bennie, who is also a professional photographer to do my Beauty Session while I was on holiday in South Africa. Wow, it was an experience. We both learnt a tremendous amount not just about how to pose women so they look stunning but also about the emotional journey.
As the session went on I started to really relax into it and connect with the emotional side of what I was actually doing; having a solo photo session to show how beautiful I am. That is a pretty scary thought. Afterwards I was positively glowing even though I hadn't seen any of the photos yet; Angelique's encouragement and me focusing on why I am beautiful really boosted my confidence and I felt like a queen!
I am Beautiful!