Monday, 1 October 2012

Ultimate White Chocolate Chunk Cookie 'n Choc-kit Fudge Whitie

Most of you loved my post about the Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie 'n Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar and I promised to try making a breastfeeding friendly version with white chocolate. I made them last weekend but just never got around to posting about it last week.

So I started off with the idea that I would just replace all the milk and dark chocolate with white chocolate and replace the Oreo's with a white chocolate biscuit. I had bought some white chocolate wafers but my husband vetoed those in an instant. He said I had to use white chocolate Choc-kits. Now I looooooove Choc-kits. I managed to find some but much to my disappointment I couldn't find white chocolate chips for the cookie base. So I bought some good quality white chocolate and made my own. They turned out more like white chocolate chunks rather than chips.

White chocolate chunk cookie base.

My little 3 year old was my big helper and she laid out the biscuits for me. 

When it came to making the Sticky Toffee Brownies, I used a little more white chocolate than dark chocolate just to get the flavour right. I also had to make more than I did for the brownies, the mixture was thicker and didn't cover the biscuits completely. I must add that I cooked the toffee mix a little longer to add extra fudgey toffeeness.

This was the final product. It doesn't look as decadent and mouth watering without the chocolate sauce drizzling over it but I had to leave that out. I guess I could have come up with a white chocolate version but I had used up all my white chocolate in the recipe itself. It was generally accepted that these were even better than the brown version.

These have been dubbed Whities despite not being at all white!

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