A very big 'Thank You!' to my dear friend Jenni for agreeing to be my practice session as a My Beauty Campaign Photographer. I do not think she really knew was she was letting herself in for.
Her journey started with working through the celebrated Self Analysis Assignment. As we both discovered this is not a workbook that you can sit down with and quickly work through. It asks some really hard questions and it takes you on a journey that has a profound impact on your life and how you see yourself and those who love you.
As part of a Beauty Transformation you get a referral to the amazing Dressing Your Truth system. This starts off with you completing the completely free Beauty Profiling Course where you have to dig deep into yourself to discover who you really are. I am a Type 1 Bright, Animated Woman. Jenni has discovered that she is a Type 3 Rich, Dynamic Woman. Once you realise your type you can purchase the Dressing Your Truth course (at an excellent discount) where you learn how to dress true to your nature. You can read about my transformation by clicking here.
I do not have Jenni's before photo because true to her Type 3 nature of go-go-go she jumped straight into dressing her truth. Now that she has been dressing true to her nature she cannot even begin to think of dressing like she used to. She even has the outfit picked out to wear and knows how she will do her hair but she just cannot bring herself to do it! That is how powerful and empowering it is to dress your truth.
A digital file of a mockup of the cover of a magazine is included in the package.
I am sure some of you are saying, "But she has been photoshopped!"
The answer is Yes and No. My Beauty Campaign has very strict guidelines for editing photographs. If something will be gone in 2 weeks I may remove it; like a bruise or a spot. I may not make anyone look thinner or fatter or different from how they really do. I may not remove wrinkles or beauty spots. You are beautiful just the way you are.
I can soften skin slightly, I can brighten eyes a little and I can do the standard colour enhancing professional photographers do.
And now onto truly beautiful Jenni...
My eyes well up with tears every time I see these photos because I am so humbled by what this process has done for Jenni and am so honoured to have been witness to her transformation.
The really awesome thing about this journey is that you look this amazing every single day!
Do you feel beautiful today? If not, join Jenni and I on this remarkable journey so that you too can say,
" I am Beautiful!"
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