Three beautiful families; one big clan.
This was a whirlwind photo session. I put together a custom package to make sure I had enough time to photograph all the kiddies and all the individual family groups as well as the combined clan. I had tremendous fun and I'm pretty convinced by all the laughing and clowning around that went on that they all did too. With almost double the number of photographs than in a normal family photo session I had a really tough time picking out my favourites. I have been through the photos so many times and changed my mind so many times.
This little guy was not the least bit interested in me and my camera. He was far too interested in doing boy things such as sticking his hand down a hole because he was convinced a 'gogga' lived there. Who knows what was down that hole but I certainly would not have just stuck my hand in there.
What a gentleman this young man is. He was not big on smiles but big on manners and he did enjoy himself in his quiet way. Every photo I took of him is a keeper. He was a pleasure.
Bubbles of fun this little one of just 2 is. She was insatiable. Most 2 year olds can handle me for 30 minutes and by 45 minutes it is time for me to pack up my gear and leave. This little lady just kept on going.
Her older cousin is a sweetie pie. She had such fun running around and rummaging in my box of tricks. Her smile is precious and she gave me loads of those.
Loves and hugs.
Mr I'm-Not-Afraid-of-Strange-Things-Down-Holes did give my one smile and it was priceless. I absolutely love this portrait.
As you can see one photograph later he was gone!
Special handshake between men!
The light of Mom's life.
Ma en Pa. This Ouma's face lights up so beautifully when she smiles. You get drawn in and end up smiling too.
Ma and her boys.
Ma and her beautiful daughter.
Pa and his boys.
We were getting towards the end of the session here and Oupa was getting a bit tired of this frolicking around the park business. Despite that he still looked so cool leaning up against the pillar.
I just love these two photos.

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