Friday, 17 May 2013

Jessica Turns One!!!

My own little one turned one almost a month ago but I just have not gotten around to processing the far too many photographs I took. We also had an awesome family holiday in between when my family came to visit. I manage to process a few photos and then I have to stop to make bunting for a another little one I'm going to photograph or to crochet some new project that I can't wait to start or to fit clients in and make sure they have a wonderful experience. So finally here are some of my favourites...

 Jelly bean rainbow cake. I actually thought this cake would be a breeze. 7 layers each a different colour just iced together. So off I went and bought some nice new non-stick baking pans and I whipped up vast quantities of gluten and sugar free cake. (never mind the pure sugar jelly beans) My lovely new non-stick pans turned out to be sticky in the extreme despite greasing them so getting the 7 layers out was a major operation and then they had to be stuck back together with copious amounts of icing! To make matters worse I decided to bake the cake while out on our farm and assemble it once back home but due to the very fragile state of the cake it needed to be assembled immediately. Once done it was balanced on my mom's lap for transportation on a gravel road back to town!
 Lovely Lilibeth, that I had the pleasure of photographing for her first birthday, was so excited by our Jack Russell that she just had to stand up and take her first steps to follow after her. A very special moment I managed to capture on camera.
Now the birthday girl who for most of her short life has only slept for 30 minute stretches during the day decided on the afternoon of her party to sleep for an hour and a half and ended up missing most of her party!
 Let the smash and grab begin.
 Jelly beans are goooooood....
 Smash and grab.
 The family with both Grannies.
 Time for presents!
Penny had to escape the cake smash and grab action and decided my pot plant was a good spot!

I would like to thank those of my friends who could attend and make the day special. 
Jenni - my closest friend who I love with all my heart. Thank you for coming. After the year you have been through it meant the world to me.
Nicole - my sista from another mother. I know I can call you at any time and you will be there for me.
Esther - you always give great advice that really works. I appreciate you.
Kay-leigh - thank you for teaching me to crochet. I love it. I have far too many projects on the go at the moment. Taking the time to teach me is something that I will always treasure.
Coline - new friend who is just awesome! It's really great having you just a Whatsapp away! I'm inspired by your dedication to your family and the passion with which you mother Lilibeth.

I also did the birthday girl's own personal first birthday photo session. So check back soon because I am almost done with those cutie pie photos.

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