Little Sister Cara is insatiable. She just loves taking photos and was game for anything that I suggested. She dove straight into my props and was immediately enthralled by the little wooden rocking horse. I love her dress sense!
Big Sister Emma has lost her two front teeth and was very proud of them.
A read little lady.
Dad was not really into this photography thing but the smiles came out when the fun began. There were squeals of delight and much laughter when Dad took turns to throw his two girls up and twirl them around.
Mom is so beautiful and she had the most lovely, romantic dress on.
Hide and go seek!
Something that was evident was the adoration that both Big and Little Sister have for their parents and the love and pride Mom and Dad feel for them.

Spontaneous dance!
The girls found a poor, unfortunate dead bird lying in the grass.
I just love this chair. I found it sad and neglected in a storeroom on our farm. I hauled it out, gave it a good cleaning and whipped up a new cushion for it and I think it makes a great prop.
Perfect model! She couldn't wait for her turn in my chair and immediately struck this pose for me.
There was a tube of lip gloss shared by all the ladies and Little Sister had it towards the end of the session and was layering it on thick.
Big Sister ran out of steam at the end and took comfort sitting on a chair and cuddling her monkey. Despite having had enough of this photography game she still helped pack up and carried the rocking horse back to my car.
I really enjoyed my time with them and love the photographs they allowed me to take.
Keep checking back or subscribe to my blog to stay updated. Zandberg Family coming soon...
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