I lovingly photograph other families and children and somehow manage to neglect my own family. But isn't that how it always is? The mechanics car is always broken and the plumbers taps always leak. I come from Perfect Country so I like things to be just right. This is a good thing for my clients but I often let moments pass me by with my own family because everything is not perfect. The studio is a mess, the backdrops aren't in place, the children are filthy and the list goes on.
But yesterday I decided that I didn't care what my children looked like, whether their clothes were clean or matched, whether my studio was neat and as you'll see below the backdrops were definitely not as they should be. I picked up my camera, got on the floor with my little 11 month old and snapped away. The photographs are not perfect but they are special to me because along with the moments I captured on camera I have the memory of the look on my baby's face while I rolled around the floor with her. It was a priceless afternoon.
My eldest daughter loves to play School Room. She rearranges the furniture to make a little classroom. The two wooden plant stands are an essential classroom item that my little baby takes immense pleasure in playing with.
I had my trusted 50mm lens on my camera and it has a short 45cm focusing distance so I decided to turn the camera on myself and see if I could capture some images of the two of us together. They are not perfect by a long shot but they mean the world to me.
While all this rolling around and laughing was taking place my big girl had passed out on the Play Room bed. She was totally oblivious to all the noise going on in the just the next room. My precious little girl.
Our session came to an abrupt halt when I caught a whiff of what my eldest calls a foofa stink! So off to the changing table we went. I had just a few more minutes of battery life left so I grabbed a few precious images of my little one interacting with me.
After all the fun I had I've learnt a valuable lesson. Everything doesn't need to be perfectly set up to capture priceless memories. Grab your camera and have fun....because you are special.