on this blog ... www.kevinandamanda.com and decided I had to make it. The sad thing is that I cannot have any of it because I am still breastfeeding and chocolate and a 5 month old baby do not mix well. I did have one little sliver to taste though. Absolutely decadent. First you make a chocolate chip cookie mix and put it into a large lined baking tin.
The difference in colours is because the cookie recipe I used didn't make quite enough to cover the bottom of the dish so I whipped up half a batch more but I had run out of chocolate chips and substituted them with grated chocolate instead.
Then you put a layer of Oreos on top of that. Preferably what they call Double Stuffed Oreos. I've never seen them so I guess we don't get them.
Then you make a brownie mix and layer that on top and bake at 180 celcius for 45 minutes. I don't trust box mixes of brownies so I used my wicked sticky toffee brownie recipe.
In the oven and we were all waiting with great expectation... ...And voila!!!!
After seeing how much everyone enjoyed them yesterday afternoon when we did Sunday afternoon 'Coffee and Cake' at a friend's house I think I need to come up with a white chocolate, breastfeeding friendly version. Check back early next week to see if I managed to come with something over the weekend ... I hope I do.
I got a new prop a little while ago but haven't had a baby to photograph that would fit nicely and not look ridiculous. While I did little Jessica's Watch Me Grow session I decided to give it a test run. Jessica was interested at first but then was quite unimpressed with this hard, uncomfortable basket. So I lined it with the scarf and she settled right in and quite enjoyed herself.
I thought the floral lining and ribbon were quite quaint and added to the vintage look of the basket. But now that I have photographed it I am not at all sure. I realised that not a single one of my other props matches the rather sad red ribbon and the lining looks somewhat tired and would be wholly unsuited to photographing a little man! So it is time to get in my sewing cupboard to see what I have and rustle up some linings for both little men and little princesses.
I think with all that fabric folded up in there I must be able to find something!
When I was putting together my newborn photography packages I hit upon the idea of a Watch Me Grow Collection. This is where I photograph a newborn with a chosen prop during their newborn session and at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and a year and frame the 5 photographs in succession just to highlight how much they have developed and grown over the year. So having had little Jessica in April I decided to do the same with her. You know how it is? A mechanic's car is always broken and a plumber's sink always leaks. Well, I never did Jessica at 3 months with the same prop as during one of her tiny baby sessions. I only really got myself in gear and did her today. She will be 5 months on Sunday!! I'll just have to squeeze another 2 sessions in before she turns 1!