I just love my two girls. We were hoping for a boy the second time around but it was not to be and I really cannot imagine life with a girl and a boy. It just feels so right having two girls. It really is quite strange how we have set ideas on things, like which sex we would like our children to be. However, when we have them, no matter the sex we cannot imagine life any other way.
I finally got some time to go through the photos I have taken of my two little princesses together since Jessica was born and I wanted to share my favourites.
Big sister just can't get enough of cuddling little sister. Jessica at just one month old.
Big sister at just 3 years old and able to very deftly operate Mom's iPad. Definitely was far more captivating than little sister. Jessica at 2 months old.
Eyes only for each other. Jessica gives Nora the biggest gummy grins when she sees her.
I had to take a photograph of Jessica against a white background for her passport application and little Nora could not contain herself. She so desperately wanted to be in the photo. Pity about the luminous top but the smiles make up for that!
Dad's 3 girls on the Landy out on our farm. Shortly after this Jessica passed out and slept the entire game drive! Just like her big sister used to do.
I used a photo from this series as my Facebook profile picture as it is my new favourite. Here are four more from that photo session.
I just adore my two girls.