I began my foray into newborn photography with my own little newborn when she was just 8 days old. She was not an entirely cooperative newborn and landed up being awake and not very pleased with what I was attempting to do most of the the time. It was still a great experience and I've been hooked ever since.
Seeing as she was awake and not very happy about posing I called in Dad and got some really special shots of the two of them.
Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm coming to the official end to my maternity leave and I am starting to take bookings for photography sessions so I decided it was time to set up my blog. I wanted to do it as an added service to my clients so they can get to show off some of their photos and not just have them posted in a private gallery.
I'm hoping in the next few days to post some of my previous photo shoots. I also have some 'oh so cute' new born photos of my own little newborn. If she cooperates and let she have two hands free for a few hours I should be able to write some more posts.
I'm definitely looking forward to this blogging journey.